Some Flowers to Plant for Summer
"Flowers to Grow in Containers for this Summer"
Art By Mary Maki Rae -2014(C)
You might try this Combination of Flowers Pictured Above:
Bright Red Geraniums – They’re always dependable and Bloom
throughout the Summer – Find plants at your local Nursery in May
Red Zinnias - Find healthy plants at Nursery or Start from Seed.
Calendulas - Bright Yellow and Orange - Start from Seed - So Easy.
Rudbeckia - The Best for a large Pot would be: Rudbeckia (fulgida var 'Fulgida) that grows to 20" tall in Med July through October.
Here's Ariel - Ready to Plant - with some more suggestions
for Rudbeckia Plants:
Cappuccino - Grows to 18" - 20" Height with huge Orange 4" flowers.
she blooms from late Spring to early Fall and is Perfect for Cut flowers too.
Cherokee Sunset - Double and Semi-double 3"-4" Flowers in shades of Yellow - Orange - Red - Bronze - and Mahogany.
Maya - Blooms Golden Yellow - Fully Double large Flowers on 18" tall plants.
"A Spring Garden Muse" - By Mary Maki Rae 2014(c)
All of the Plants mentioned above are available to order online from:
The Bluestone Perennials Catalog.
Or: Check at your local Nursery to purchase them - just remember to make sure to buy Rudbeckia Plants that grow to only 18" - 24" - the Best size for Planters and Containers.
(As some grow to 3-4 Feet & would not be happy in a Pot-!)