
Paintings By Mary Maki Rae - 2011 (c)
It has been almost six weeks now since Robert has been in hospital and rehab - the longest time we've ever been separated.
The atmosphere - the rhythm - the routine of our daily lives changed decididly. Time now seems to move at a frenetic pace or incredibly slow.
One would think there would be more time for painting - not so - It's been  much harder to concentrate when concerned about a loved-one's recovery from major surgery.
However - His recovery continues to improve daily - and Today I'm feeling so Thankful for all the Fine Care that Robert has received from such skilled and talented Doctors and Nurses - as well as Heart-felt support from our Family and Dear Friends. I could not have gone through it all without them-!
I will be so happy again when Robert returns home and always Thankful.
Remember to always cherish your health and never take it for granted - for it is indeed a blessing.  


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