Gold Velvet . . . if You Please. And The 3-Panel Screen

Artwork By Mary Maki Rae - 2010 (c)
In between the stages of work on the Two French Style Baker Chairs which included: (divided between Robert and Myself) Installing the Inside Structure - Sewing of the Cushions - & the Nailing of 1,300 Decorative Brass Nail Heads -
I've been Painting a small-scale version (30"x36") Idea for a Full-Sized 3-Panel Wooden Screen of A Classic French Couple out on a "Nature Walk" such as would Lord Byron or Keats with Fanny Brawne ("Bright Star").

On the Full Sized Screen - one could Imagine so many lovely additions of Flora and Fauna-!
The Chairs Reupholstered in a Beautiful Gold Velvet - Awaiting the addition of Velvet-Covered Button Detailing


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